Self-Love is This Photographers Wish

Valentine’s Day is either a day you celebrate or you don’t. I don’t really think there is much in between.  You may adore receiving a beautiful bunch of flowers, or box of chocolates, or you may scoff at the “Hallmark Holiday” created just to serve the capitalist market. Maybe you are sad on this holiday because someone you loved has left you, or never noticed you, or ever told you how much they love you.

It’s time though – to meet the only Valentine you’ll ever need – YOURSELF!

Yes, you’ve heard this before, and you’ve heard it from me too. You might think that it is a fad, a phase, and internet trend – and maybe it is all of that at the moment, but it really doesn’t have to be, and why is there such a push back against it?

So, I looked up the definition of “self-love” and the internet showed me a definition by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It said:



\ ˌself-ˈləv  \

Definition of self-love love of self: such as

a: an appreciation of one's own worth or virtue.

b: proper regard for and attention to one's own happiness or well-being

c: inflated love of or pride in oneself NARCISSISMCONCEIT

Definitions a and b seem lovely and true. But check out definition c! What! Way to make us feel guilty and vain for wanting to express love for ourselves!

Let’s get rid of definition c (or at least for one day totally ignore it). You don’t need to scream inside everytime you see a happy couple this Valentine’s day. Try filling your day instead with the joy of utterly loving yourself.

Look in the mirror and admire yourself – guaranteed that you can boost your confidence and mood by telling yourself how rocking you look today. If it helps, put on your favourite outfit, rock some glitter or just a natural look, and enjoy an evening knowing that you look hot (even if it is just watching your favourite movie in your lounge room!

Take a moment for yourself. Order a large mochacinno instead of a small (if that’s what you want). Go to bed early so you can rock the new day tomorrow, read a good book, go out for dinner in a fancy restaurant, play some board games with your friends – whatever gives you a moment to appreciate yourself in what ever way you want.

Remember Rupi Kaur wrote: “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”

So maybe you need to do some teaching this Valentine’s day!

And, in case no one else has told you today – You’re beautiful, I love you, and you ROCK!

Amelia xx

Amelia McLeod

Based in Adelaide, Australia, Amelia McLeod is a photographer who specialises in immersive conceptual art. Using simple objects and hand-made props, Amelia combines the use of colour, light and contrast to create emotive and playful pieces. Her work explores themes of courage, hope and resilience. Amelia's artwork has been exhibited in both Australia and internationally.

